05 December 2007

Samidare 五月雨

The raindrops of May
Roll across my roof
Chattering pinecones
.....Doc Rock, Carmel, 1967

04 December 2007

Carmel Bus

Like dried up prunes

They ride the Carmel bus

And talk

about station wagons

and changing banks

and stocks and silks and wealth

and Currier and Ives prints

and Callard and Bowser's treacle

While Death sneaks up.

Doc Rock, Carmel, California, spring 1966

01 December 2007

What has torture done to us? A Nation that Tortures

What have we let the Neo-cons and the Cheney-Bush sickos turn the United States into? In less than eight years they have turned us from a respected beacon of Democratic aspiration--a trusted ally and a role model for national behavior into a nation where tortures that we executed Japanese as war criminals for after WWII are practiced, justified, and idealized?

What we don't do our selves, we outsource to others.

We have reverted into religious bigots, law-perverters, law-ignorers, spying on our own citizens, without moral compass, sense of shame, or scruple. What kind of behaviors will we see crop up increasingly in our own society as a result? Bread cast upon the waters . . . .